Saturday, February 25, 2012

Time Tested Bryan's Singing Bowls

Handmade singing bowls with 7 metals non China made is not easy to find now. Yesterday, I saw a shop selling their machine made singing bowls with 7 metals cost $450 for a size smaller than mine...
I am very strict with the sound produced by each singing bowl and thus, I can only receive 2 bowls from Master in one month.

After a long wait, 4 singing bowls of 7 metals at $280 each were made. Interested can message me at 94895606. Since last year till now, a total of 12 singing bowls were adopted. Bryan prefers quality over quantity and I am sure everyone is amazed with this good singing bowl.

One bowl is about 1 kilo, freight charge for each bowl is $45. Not forgetting the master's skilled workmanship, effort, and material of pure 7 metals... $280 per bowl is really a very good deal.

NB: Video clips for singing bowl

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