Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Activated Fengshui Items and You

We are afterall human being. It is inevitabel for human to fall sick, and experience ups and down in life. Using FS items helps to reduce the damage of negative stars and instil positive energy into our life.

Remember having good luck and feng shui only is not enough, you will need to work hard, perserve through tough times and emerge as a winner. You will become the real winner as you success with a calm heart and mind. With Fu QI Coin and Crystal Bracelet : The best course of action for you is to focus on building your finances and not to be marred by the negative forces that aims to bring you down.

Example: Masters in Thailand and high monks will also fall sick. If you think that putting a big hulu beside your bed will prevent you from falling sick, then you are in the wrong direction. Putting a hulu will help you to remind your body to recover faster and reduce the chances of getting sick.

Please do not be pantang or over react. The ultimate aim of using FS items is to have a peaceful heart.

Nothingness-- came Yin and Yang, opposites which attract, from Yin and Yang developed the five elements—Earth, Water, Fire, Metal and Wood. From the five elements produces everything else. So, everything is a part of the oneness, the tapestry of life and everything is built up from yin/yang—opposites, trying to become each other—female/male and from a mixtureof the five elements. It is these basic ingredients which form the chi, flowing in from all the Compass directions, used in Feng Shui, colourfully known as the dragon's breath.

Fengshui Items activate this energy for you, so whether you can appreciate and have calm energy, you will receive good blessings energy. Fengshui item combine with breathing exercise helps to achieve good luck because once our heart and mind are calm, the Yin & Yang energy around you starts to balance.... .

The main concern this year lies in the angry aggressive star that is around to disturb your heart. Please take note especially when you are caught up in such a situation.


You need to make an effort for your life. Feng Shui is using chi, as the Chinese say,"Harnessing the dragon's breath. Chi-containing yin and yang and the five moving energies, the five basic elements—earth, wood, fire, water and metal. Chi produces specific patterns of movement, the meandering, moving rivers of vibrations which result in the countless balanced systems of interacting currents - energy, electric magnetic energy, the movements of chi used in Feng Shui. By using Feng Shui, you can learn how to trap and use this chi, how to prevent it rushing away from you and how to prevent it from stagnating!"

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