Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Bryan's Research to warn people

Updated www.omhealth.com/kwanyinma.htm point G, on how to deal with bad FSM and FT who instill fear into their customers. Will check spelling at 5pm, you can email me at info@omhealth.com if you find any spelling mistakes.... :P Many thanks!

Have you ever visit a temple, or attend prayer session, or read some articles about compassion and your heart starts to tear a bit. This is not tears of sadness. My Master told me this is the energy of Kwan Yin Pu Sa. He told me this is how Kwan Yin tears when Kuan Yin tries so many methods but still cannot finish helping all beings. As a result, Kwan Yin Pu Sa make a vow that he will not become a Buddha unless all beings are saved from sufferings.

You may think this is just a fairytale but to Bryan, this is the spirit of Kwan Yin. Let us put religion aside. Actually, all human beings are born with a good heart but what makes them to be a bad person? I don't know. There's a FSM whom I respect a lot, that is LILIAN TOO's teaching.

Lately, I have been practising on CUNDI mantra, and have a lot of feelings to share. I pray and hope if there were anyone who are badly affected by fearful advice from FSM, can find remedies in my website and blog.
At times, I felt rather helpless (Agony in my heart, speechless) even when I know who are the bad FSM causing fear to people. I can't name them here in case of law suit...

I seek advice from my master who is 70 years old....
He says :" When a person's luck is very bad, the tendency to visit a bad fengshui Master is high and inviting more problems. Bryan, you are only a human being, there is nothing much you can do. Always remember human do, heaven see.... . Some of the FSM are just digging a hole for themselves."

There are 5 typical types of FSM (Nevertheless, there are some good ones too):

TYPE A: Act Holy FSM
When you first meet them, they will talk about all Confucius and Buddhist teachings. These FSMs project a very compassionate and helpful image. Next he/she proceed with Bazi, and will say you are born with many bad stars which he/she needs to pray for you ---- one unlucky star is $80....end up you have 5 unlucky stars... and yearly he/she needs to pray for you... Poor you will be trapped for years because this FSM will tell you if you don't continue praying, you may have the tendency to commit suicide and feel stress all the time.

TYPE B: Speaks as though he/she is a "SAINT" FSM
Impressive office with nice Buddha statue, look very powerful and glam. Impressive words and immediately use loud or high pitch voice to instill fear on you. This type is so scary. He/she will straight away affirm to you on areas such as:

A) You will lost your job

B) One of your family member will die or met with accident

C) You must get a few items (minimum $3k) from him/her... otherwise, your family will be in trouble.
You may not buy anything but will definitely feel devastated after hearing all those fearful words. Can you imagine how elderly people will take such advice?

TYPE C: Words of Mouth FT
By words of mouth, everyone said a particular FT is very good and powerful....hence one friend spread to two friends and so on.....This FT slowly progress and becomes famous but starts to demand more from people. His/her reading becomes inaccurate and instill fear into people.
Example: He/she said you shouldn't get married at xx age (but marriage is already in the planning stage) or he/she said your business will fail (but you had already started your business). One ridiculous advice,"Oh this year, you can't use your toilet."

Type D : Healing type FSM
Everytime you consult this FSM, he/she will look at you and say, got "dirty things" follow you. (Oh Please....as though there are so many dirty things in SINGAPORE). He/she will frighten you and said your sleep is bad because the dirty things affects your sleep. (Oh please...90% of adults who cannot sleep well are due to stress). You end up paying $80 each time for healing and normally will be more and more. The worst is when he/she tells you one dirty thing has now become a group at your house entrance. I am not exaggerating because my last research is on one client who was told that there were 50 dirty things in the house and it costs $300 to clear one dirty thing. That FSM told my client this fee is already very cheap...ermmm...$300 X 50 dirty things???

TYPE E : Motherly or Fatherly type
They appeared nice and kind for the first few visits. They do reading for you and never ask you to buy things. 2 months later, they call you up to tell you that your luck is affected by some unlucky stars, which you need to go and clear... That's where their story starts......zzzzzzzz....

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