Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Luck and You

富貴有門人莫疑。福神喜報汝先知。多多作善多多好。好宅好田好子孫。世代光昌誰不愛。皇天命我鑒時時。家家有德家家振。撥貨消災默轉移。壽算可添分數理。功名可造學為期。祖宗庇蔭留餘慶。苦樂前生報應宜。土地人民歸掌察。分毫賞罰不差絲。去來本是吾先導。速作陰功免受悲。第一人間孝為先。清操勵節感蒼天。炎涼世態何須問。密裡靈臺要保全。世世投胎恩怨成。做完恩怨自分行。福神譜出深情曲。解盡愁懷聽一聲。愁懷脫離上青雲。樂園奇花馥馥芬。醉詠玉樓圓月皎。霞衣舞彩唱仙群。[My Deepest Respect to my Direct Teacher Da Bo Gong]

Lao Shi How to improve the Feng Shui in my house now?

No need invite FSM yearly, is really XXXXX.

Improve fengshui for house: Cleansing, Space Clearing, Clearing and Detoxing!!! is the key to good fengshui house.
We tend to keep many things in our mind and in our house in a house for a long time. This create many stagnant QI in the house throughout the years. Alot of good luck stars of the year cant "show power" because of the negative Qi stored in your house. Cleansing the house frequently and throwing away rubbish will bring alot of blessing to the house. Everytime you cleanse your house, U open door and window big big to allow the New Qi to come in.

We carry Good and Bad Qi daily from outside as we enter the house. Cleansing of house is needed. The sound of Singing Bowl soothes and transforms the sickness energy of some earth stars and dont anyhow put windmill as putting wrong in the "CONG" direction will invite bad luck.

Best way to cleanse house is once a week , use KM yan set. However there are families that dislike Kim sandalwood smell. U can use also Protection Space Clearing and 5 element oil wipe floor. But if your kid dont like, just dont bother. If husband dont like than dont burn just use spray and 5 element oil wipe floor. ahahhaha. Toilet once a week, dont ask maid, u scrub the floor urself, once scrub all ur bodyache gone. Give it a try.

House Qi Improvements Items are
5 element oil, Bryan's sandalwood, Protection Space Clearing Spray, KM Yan

 Heaven luck is a huge account bank book with negative and positive cash funds we bring with us when we are born. If we are very wealthy this life, we must have done accumulate many good "bank account" from the past.

We can improve our present situation by having "enough" rather than by having alot.We must be good person from now and accumulate good merit, less bad tempered so,we can become very rich and healthy.

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