Thursday, November 24, 2011

Back to Back Lucky Dates

Teaching of my Master ( Master Edward ) and will be shared here:

29th November is 除日(removal day), 30th November is 满日(wishfulfilling day)

This is called Back To Back day for improving luck:> A BTB day is best way to bring good luck to your life, and it will happen slowly. Good luck is best to appear slow and steady:> ANd least expected and gratitude.

Things to do on 29th Nov 2011

1)Before 12pm, burn the KM Yan set and say "All negative energy dissolved and dispel and May Kwan Yin ma or Divine love and light fill the area with love and ligh of protection. This day drink green bean soup or Tau suan if possible:> When drink say , I am cleansed.

Things to do on 30th Nov 2011

1) Hold activated black tourmaline bracelet/flower coin/Gui ren bag and do any breathing exercise for 1 min. And say " Today I will Open the door of my calmness and let the footsteps of Silence, Protection, Happiness gently enter the temple of all my activities. I will perform all duties serenely, saturated with peace and harmony. Drink red date soup best today or red apple juice:> And says I am a wishfulfilling Jewel. Anytime:>

What is Negative Energy?

A loss of memory
Major changes in clarity of thinking or analytical ability
Sudden ongoing fatigue for no apparent reason
A drained feeling
Icy cold feeling on part or all of your body
Recurrent or frequent nightmares
Strange or recurring accidents
A discomfort or fear in a specific room or area in your home or office
A loss of self-confidence
A sudden loss of energy
Sudden illnesses that elude diagnosis
Sudden illnesses that cannot be explained
Sudden or irrational difficulties with finances or relationships
Imagining monsters, animals or frightening shadows
Sudden depression without an apparent cause · Seeming ongoing bad luck
Visions or hallucinations
Irrational fear, anger or sorrow
A negative obsessive thought.

A Black Tourmaline is to dispel above negativity. And when using it to chant mantra:>

KM Yan Set is ready le

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