Tuesday, November 22, 2011

2012 Dragon Year Coin: Short News

U can order now:>by sending email to orders@omhealth.com . Self collection on 7th Jan not possible because not enough time to do packing for that day:> So u can order now and courier to you next week. Start using only 1st Day of chinese New, super power coin for all animal sign.

How to use? Will announce in the Yearly Forecast and 7th Jan 2012 talk:>

2012 House Item

2012: 福氣 Coin (small but power) size of SGD 1 coin

其意為任何一塊好風水之“福地” (即好之風水住宅) 均為有“福氣”之人才能進居。 換言之,“福氣”小之人,則不會居住好風水之“福地”。 如何得此“福氣”呢?一乃與生俱來(即前世帶來)。二乃今生積善修德所致。前者乃先天之運數,後者乃後天補救而得。

Temple 1 of 4: NEWS

Korea Temple and 2012 coin: I sincerely activate all my coin because many of you has been my customer for years and years . And I want everyone of you to be happy and be best in life. Thats my intention in every coin for you. And with the blessings from all Divine Love , may this 2012 coin brings alot of [FU QI] to your life. And I hope this little coin (good quality ) will really really enable you understand the true meaning of love, light, happiness in life:>Can u see the 2012 coin humbly on the blessed stone and being blessed:> red red one:> Yes is my 2012 Fu Qi Coin. Four temple has been brought for blessing and next step is fire ceremony and Zu sa ceremony. ALot alot of effort is made for this small coin.

This coin simple simple, small small but the amount of blessing is as huge as Gui Ren Bag, as blessed as Flower Coin. Look this coin is blessed in Korea Kwan Yin Temple with special Request of photo taken for u all.

Many who follows my blog for many years, know that I make an effort in activating all items and follow to max procedure. Stay tune for Hong Kong Pic and KL pic and Malacca temple pic to bless this Dragon Year coin 2012.

All above coin can be used forever and many has been using with super good testimonials:>

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