Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Prayers and You: Be a light unto the world.

When do you pray? Do you pray only when,
1) you have interview tomorrow, promotion exercise next week?

2) having problems?

3) you are sick?

4) having exams?


"Kwan Yin , please help me win my compeitition tomorrow and I will buy you five Oranges ..."


"Erm....Kwan Yin does not need your 5 oranges."

Are you talking terms and conditions with god?

For me, I pray even more when I have good news. I give thanks. When I use 3 joss papers method to pray, I will say " Thank you Ti Gong. Thank you for giving a chance to stand here to pray, have shelter and food to eat.... I pray for world peace and people stay around my HDB block. I pray that my workshops will be successful and people who attended my workshops to be happy and well."

We pray to be a better person, to have calm mind and strength. We do not talk terms with God. I do not like people who said,"Please god. Help me strike lottery and I will donate to xxx"

*Shake head

You do not need to wait till you strike lottery to do charity...

How to pray correctly?

Example of prayers for job interview :

"Kwan Yin Ma, I pray to confess all my negative actions which I have accumulated since beginingless time and want to be a better person, have a peaceful mind and compassionate heart. Please guide me. I have a job interview coming up. I hope I have the strength to do my best in my interview. Whenever I meet anyone during interview, may I bring happiness to them. Even if I do not get my job tomorrow, I will continue to work hard to find a job. Please help me to have more opportunities in life and also to spread your loving kindness."

Of course, you must mean what you said.

It is not often to succeed in just one interview. Sometimes you will need to go for a few interviews. When you pray and has an intention that you will bring happiness to everyone whom you met, you are also indirectly planting a seed of happiness. Once the seed of happiness buds, it brings you a lot of happiness and opportunities. Start transforming all your negative thoughts to positive ones now, and create more merits.

It feels good to be able to help people and brng happiness to others. Are you one of those who start to doubt your prayers when you never get your job?

If I receive any emails from today onwards, asking me why after all the prayers and you still doesn't get what you pray for. Hmmm.....get ready for my phone call. I will give you a good scolding when I have time.

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