Thursday, July 14, 2011

Bryan's small corner to breathe.

Life can be simple if you want. No matter how busy or stressful you are, spare yourself a fifteen minutes rest once or twice a week. Even you are in a deep shit situation now, step out of it for 5 mins please..... Because it will help you to see a clearer picture of the whole situation.... solutions come when one is at peace with a clear mind.

I make it a point to set aside once or twice a week for myself at Botanical Garden or a small corner beside my bed (Bryan stayed in
HDB extra room ).

Bryan's rest corner
1) An incense bowl
2) A mala or crystal bracelet
3) A book or Mp3 or Ipad
4) Ipad or a mp3 player to listen to inspiration talk or read 2 pages of a good book.

I work from 6am to 930pm everyday. At around 9:40pm, I will go to my room, meditate or do breathing exercise for 5mins, read a book or listen to an audio talk follower by writing about how I feel. I sleep at 10:30pm.

Its a beautiful thing if you understand how important it is to give yourself least once or twice a week. If not, you can go to Mcdonald to read a good book and pen down your thoughts.
If you do not make an effort to start now, you will only see the same unhappiness continuing in life. You need to put a stop to this...

Start relaxing your mind. You will start to see the world in a beautiful way, you will be so much in peace even when you face difficult people or situations.

If you pause to think ...sometimes the people whom you have conflicts with, are actually good people. Forgive them. I believe no matter how bad the person is, there is definitely one thing good about this person. When you forgive them, you will feel better.)

Kindness, Generosity, Abundance, Compassion, Love.

Its part of life to have problems. It depends on how you view and deal with your problems. Either you face it with solutions or complaint and dwell on it. The amount of time spent on complaining and dwelling can be put to good use by reflecting upon yourself and the problem.


Anonymous said...

Dear Brayan Lao Shi, I fully agreed that & we must have to keep a few minutes for ourself a day!

Anonymous said...

Agree with Bryan Lao Shi, about the forgiving part. Everything will be okay.

Molly See said...

Bryan Lao Shi I really enjoy when when you write articles like these. You know it but sometimes you have blockage in your head and you just need a reminder every now and then.
Thank you once again