Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Today: Star Broken Day: 14th, 19th, 21st, 23rd of June

Star of Broken Days in June:

The main effect which will be felt by most people is feeling tired, exhausted and angry for no good reason. These few days may not be good days. but come on, there are some "not good" days every month. If you understand the rationale behind, and know what to do...you should take this opportunity to cultivate yourself to be a better person and accumulate your "FU QI".

Don't let others agitate you. Be it your neighbours, colleagues, friends, situations.... etc. This month is a month where people tends to give empty promises. Things that look promising may just overturn. So whatever you do, confirm and double confirm. Be cautious when you send out email too.

For every negative day, there will be some positive moments. If you decided to resign from you job....well, 21 June is good to move on.

Things to do:
1) Rub your flower coin every morning.
2) Drink fresh Coconut water or a cup of pure Grape Juice on one of these days.
3) Listen to this Heart sutra song as shown above.
4) Have a final rinse of 5 element oils after shower.

My advice after doing 6636 calculation is for you to be aware of your emotions, and not to get angry easily. If you see your love ones losing temper, do not add on to fumes anymore. Just chant a simple mantra or say:

Affirmations for this 2 days.
" I choose to release all negative energy and thoughts", followed by 3 deep inhalation and exhalation.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Brayan lasohis, thanks for the info. May you be well too! Cheers,Yvonne