Friday, June 3, 2011

Don't forget final workshop for the YEAR 2011

Annual SUPER "HOT" class - POSITIVE AFFIRMATION CLASS welcomes both regular and newcomers :) I specially select a date for us to do affirmation and EFT together for good health and luck. This class has been successfully organised for 2 years. I have chosen a date this year which is a date that happened only once in 10 years. It would be a very powerful wish fulfilling day ^^

Date : 11 Sep 2011

Time : 10am to 12pm
Fees: $28

Email to to register
Students who have attended this class before can come again to guide or enjoy.
Regulars if you remember I did an affirmation to have a TV show to spread 3 oil method... it has really happened....^^

11 Sep 2011: is known as the Energy Highest Day with One white star approaching, Success Day with High Energy and a day before FUll MOON. Happen only once in many years.... Read previous post for more course details

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