Monday, May 9, 2011

May 2011 ( A tough month in fengshui aspect)

This month, the destructive Number 5 star runs to center of the flying star which may bring bad events and dangers. There is danger across the world, most notably in the Middle regions. Earth(quakes), water (floods) and air (tornadoes) could well reappear.

Let us utilise our pure heart with mantra to send love and light.

Rooster and Rabbit must do extra protection during May 2011. By chanting mantra of Tara morning or night. Ox and Tiger will enjoy super good luck this month. However, do not be lazy and forget the rest. Do chant mantra too and dedicate to people born in the year of Rabbit and Rooster.

I am most happy when my students did a very good work and continue to improve themselves. Fengshui is an art of telling you to do good and be a good person. If Fengshui Master misuse this power, you can see their face start to look kinda of weird and their energy is not very good...

Case Study of accurate Fengshui:
Mdm Koh : " Bryan lao shi, I did a study of your workshop Welcome Rabbit year where you mentioned Rooster also Cong Tai Sui and has unlucky star like: 死符,劫煞 Indicated in your I-weekly too. Osama bin Laden (born in the year of Rooster) was killed...this was brought by the disaster star, am I right Lao Shi?"

As a Tai Sui holding sword, very Bad people 冲太岁Cong Tai Sui will meet their karma. Good people including people born in the year of Rooster and Rabbit, with prayers will reduce all bad luck to a minimum.

Good Luck: Royal Wedding
Not forgetting the big event such as the Royal Wedding which brings about good Qi to the Earth and blessing with many Angels.
I am not saying Rooster is so bad. All have lucky stars such as, Moon Luck, Earth Star. If you are a good person, you will be protected with good energy to all kind of relationships.

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