Sunday, May 15, 2011

Its the Month in Fengshui to implant good energy to your luck... And enjoy later

You have the ability to make your life better by choosing to think positive. No matter how good your life is, you will never enjoy if if you have sour or negative thoughts. Some people simply find something wrong with everything. All that is required to see a positive change is a decision.

If you have encountered a lot of disappointment with your spouse, work or boss, beware of this beginning to expect more of the same. Sometimes we think we are protecting ourselves from getting disappointed by not expecting anything good to happen. However by doing so, you are opening the door for negative energy and closes the door of good things to come into our life.

You and I are human being. We tends to amplify on the negative and forget to have faith in God. Remember all prayer will be answered. It is only the timing and faith in your heart.

For example, you pray for promotion... After prayers, you find that you were being assigned with more work to curse and swear.... but you forget... if you were promoted, do you have the capability to handle situations...... More work means training for you. You learnt more through the process of doing the jobs.

Affirmations to say, to be a magnet of Good Luck:

"I now release all my wants and desires quickly and easily. As I release all of my wants and desires, all that I need comes to me exactly when I need it. "

(You can hold a mini Rose quartz affirmation mala)

Rose Quartz Mini Mala received very wonderful healing feedback:

It carries pure energy, and has a very lovely vibration. It radiate energy in a coherent, highly concentrated form and as a result they have the power to interact and affect our own energies and auras, bringing healing and repair on all levels. They harmonize the body much like a tuning fork. Look at the real flower amber that really value to have a Rose quartz mala as a present for yourself.

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