Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Final Workshop for the YEAR 2011

1) 6636 - Only 6 seats left

2) Numerology and Pendulum workshop - Only 11 seats left.

Seats are been taken up fast. To register, email to

From time to time, I will always have people asking me why I did not market my workshop to companies via advertisement. Nope. I have my own set of principle. Some people may see it as stubborn but I still prefer quality student like you.... its a very slow process.... Its ok. My first crystal healing class was also doubt by many people but it emerged as one of my most successful classes. I like it when my students grow with me, and learning to be a happier person, no matter what problem we faced. Knowing how to get out of it fast is most important :)

[When I am typing this sentence, a very strong healing energy raised up to my body. Its been a long time since I felt this. Yes, my Healing Angel is smiling beside me.]
I am lighting Myrr and Frankincense now which means contact with angels... Learn more in November .....

I have always wanted to conduct an Angel healing workshop all these years and only waiting for the time to ripe.. Some people may find that they are not used to or not receptive to the Chinese method, may find the western method works better for them. Its good to learn more, with a heart of compassion. Be open minded. There must be a reason for a healing method to be able to last for few thousands of years.

10 years ago, I wanted badly to attend an Angel healing workshop but I can't afford it...people who attended are rich tai tai ... what about people of the middle class income? Not many people can afford a workshop that cost $500 for half a day...

Now I think the time has come and meeting all healing masters who imparted me and to share with you....

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