Monday, May 30, 2011

Confession and Give Thanks Day

I went to MediaCorp for the third recording yesterday. When I arrived, many artistes and even the crews were saying aloud that my remedies worked and they love reading my blog at . Of course, I was very much delighted but then again, I need to remind myself not to allow my ego to get the better of me and become big headed.

Many Masters told me a person's mind will be overwhelmed by praise and fame, which will result them to lose sight of their main intention/goal where they first started. The best way to become down to earth again, is through confession and giving thanks.

I must be cautious not to fall into the trap of getting overwhelmed by all the excitement and recognition of my work. A big ego will only become an obstruction in personal advancement as well as spiritual growth. Therefore, I decided to do prayers to give thanks to Kwan Yin, Tara, Da Bo Gong, Tee Gong for giving me the opportunities.

Not forgetting my volunteer, Zona who readily agreed to be my model for the show. Thanks a zillion, Zona!

Bryan's Life Self-Reflections:
Q1) What is Bryan's purpose in life?
Ans) To have right intention, sharing love and light to all.

Q2) How to deal with fame that starts to come in?
Ans) Chant Tara mantra and dedicate in a way that " whenever people see me, speak to me or touches me, shall they be happy and be well...."

Pray to Tara, dissolve all ego and understand that life is about sharing and loving kindness...Do not be proud. There are many people in the same line as me and they own shops or salons. I do not neither of them but I am still happy and contented. Although from time to time, I do receive recognition but I always believe in my hard work, perseverance and Gui Ren from all walks of life. I am most happy and honoured to be Gui Ren for others as well.

This year, I have declined many office projects because I need to take care of my health(since I am always telling people to do so) and get in touch with Kwan Yin Heart ..

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