Monday, April 25, 2011

To all my Fengshui Student: POST STUDY

In order to improve your fengshui skills, it is important to do a study on what I have taught you early this year. It will help to improve your sense of directional fengshui. Remember early this year, I mentioned its a year of many clashes where war and natural diastars will be more common. EAST is a very "Jia Lat" place. We can't predict exact location but maybe as a precaution. Time to increase our merits and improve luck this month ok. Chant mantra.

5 dynasty coin and 6 dynasty coin hulu (zusa activated) at East and South will be working very hard to fight the unlucky star. Do replace it after using for a year. It is a special year where all pillars clash. With the Tai sui holding swords would mean probability of war and also if you do something bad, your deed will be exposed immediately.....

Carry 5 dynasty coin is important for personal safety. Flower coin is for good news. Always remember to dissolve bad luck star first before you can amplify good luck.

From this chart, at the EAST where Tai sui meets five yellow is worst of the worst. On 11 March, wood and metal clashed...and at 2:46 metal and wood clashed the EARTH.... as a result of Japan massive earthquake and tsunami...... No master can tell beforehand but can roughly find out how the energy is like.
As I mentioned early this year, try to avoid EAST side country for travelling and go WEST or NW instead.

My mini prediction is near CHINESE Fifth Lunar month. Some issues of earthquakes and fires may still exist. Its ok to know so that we can start to pray ok. Sickness star will be strong too.....It is also a month where heated issues in relationships may amplify....

Chinese fifth Lunar Month is month of June......

I may organise a PUJA for all to get involve. Wait for me to be back and I will organise. I will consult some Masters to make arrangement. We will participate together ok.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Bryan Lao Shi

Thank you for arranging this PUJA. You are always so kind and helpful for PUJA Offering despite your busy schedule. May you always be blessed in all ways!!

Greatly appreciate your efforts!!