Friday, April 1, 2011

Royal Healing Bracelet : Limited Edition

Its a collector's item. Newcomers should consider the Black Tourmaline with Dzi as your key bracelet. The following can be added to your collections; 3 were made ok.

Grade AAA Malachite Green is a powerful healing stone works to heal the heart as well as the body. It is further used for wealth, love and for centering and balancing. It enhances our ability to nurture all Life. Use it to manifest prosperity into your life and to open your heart to others. Malachite is one of the few stones that can be used to clear and activate all Chakras. It has wonderful healing properties, and because of the high copper content of the stone it has a very steady pulsing electromagnetic energy field. It absorbs negative energy from the auric field cleansing it, thus balancing the wearer and protecting them from the effects negative energies. It is great for increasing ones concentration skills and is quite beneficial to ones physical, as well as psychic, vision. Malachite helps to find a balanced path between the desires of ego and of our higher Will, aiding us in removing blockages and inspiring us with ideas which will help to manifest those goals.

A Huge raw medicine Dzi for protection and health. This healing set bracelet is $338. Precaution of wearing Malachite : Its a stone that needs extra care : Malachite is especially

fragile. Protect malachite from scratches and sharp blows. Also avoid large temperature changes such as leaving it by a heater vent or in a hot car. Do not clean malachite in a home ultrasonic cleaner. Washing malachite in water will remove its finish. Malachite is always coated with a protective polish. This polish will wash off. Imitation malachite has very regular black or white banding.

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