Monday, April 25, 2011

Help u ALL

With my 6636 calculation, the same affirmation amazingly appeared 5 times, and twice today! Yeap! THE same affirmation.

You can read this Affirmation this few days. It will allow you to understand that fear offers no resistance to LOVE.

[My heart is open and full of courage] I will say this affirmation at 9 pm 9 times today . Join me :)

Little news: I was doing angel card reading. The same card appeared for the past few weeks. Today, I discovered for the same deck of cards, there are 2 of them ie a duplicate. Rightfully, its a complete deck of 60 cards and should not have any duplicate but I was shocked there is one card duplicate. It means the printing company printed this card twice. I believe things happen for a reason...There is a message behind. The card is the Angel of courage.... I wish all of you to have the courage to face all fear and challenge by using the above affirmation. You will be ok :)

1 comment:

Bee Bee said...

Things happened for a reason ...