Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Toilet Fengshui

Have you neglected cleaning your toilet floor? Bathrooms are places for daily cleansing. A clean, sanitary bathroom strengthens and supports a good qi. On the other hand, a dirty bathroom emphasizes the negative qualities of this room. If your luck is blocked lately, it is essential to keep it sparkling clean and tidy.

Brush above should be coconut brush, as above pic i took when in rush back in 2010.

I was taught to see toilet fengshui once in Australia. Some people feels moody can be caused by this grey aura that is trapped inside the everytime you "Put Put", it enters through your "Put put" and deplete ur qi.

Bryan 老师 (DIY to cleanse toilet Qi and have good luck)
Select 除日in calender. At any time of that day, add 7 drops of 5 elements oil to Cif (or your own cleansing liquid). Anyone who is feeling low luck at home must clean . Scrub the whole toilet floor, and say Cleanse be, safe be, all bad things leave thy;
Next, use Protection Space Clearing spray.
WAIT!! If you stay with your mother, you cannot ask your mother to do for you. You must do it yourself.
Above procedure is good for people who
1) always have health issues although they make effort to take care
2) always wronged by people
3) lack of confidence
4) poor cash flow.
5) family harmony is just not right.
6) People don't like your face.

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