Sunday, March 13, 2011

Q and A SMS : 5 Yellow indeed...

Hi folks, Kwan Yin Mantra can be found at the link just right besides (on your right hand column) Simply scroll down and you will see it.

Receive a sms from one of my students today:

Q1) "Lao shi what happen to Japan , is it because of the Five Yellow and Tai Sui at the East that is Japan?"

Hmmm... indeed 5 Yellow is very strong this year. It is the Metal Rabbit month (from 6th Marchto 4th April) and it is a duplication of the pillar of the year. This means a strong influence of 5 Yellow disaster star in the East (Japan is in the East direction).

What is the point of knowing the prediction while we can't do anything? I questioned myself. ... Yes You can! We can start cultivating good heart, gain merits and treasure what you have. 惜福,惜缘。 For those who are still in depression, please.......take a break from your depression and see beyond ok. Have a bigger vision and a bigger heart, open your heart and take up some volunteer work.

Q2: "Lao shi, last time Japanese killed so many people including young innocent children by throwing them up and pierced them through long swords, is this karma? "

Its not up to us to say anything. Why not just quiet our mind and stop asking unncessary questions? It doesn't help in anything to think about the past....Instead, we can help by sending our own EM wave power healing rays to the distressed countries. Be like Kwan Yin Ma, no race, no religion, no bias, practise equality to all.......and send love....

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