Friday, March 25, 2011


If you spend time to read my blog , I give precise and understandable instructions on exactly how to forgive yourself, love and navigate inside of any thought, feeling or experience. The result is peace of mind and a life of ease.


I am writing this for those who wish to identify the power of sandalwood. Yes is 30 years old sandalwood oil. Many got the sandalwood and know the difference in grade and appreciate the effort I made. Yep even a new sandalwood from Australia cost $120 but this is 30 years old sandalwood oil ....This limited edition collector's oil was distilled from the roots of old growth trees. Because of the difficulty removing the roots, they were left in the ground and were only recently salvaged

Sandalwood relaxes and promotes a sense of well being and soothes nervous tension and anxiety.

Method: Now a drop of good sandalwood in cotton and keep this cotton in an empty bottle.

Aromatic blessing with sandalwood:
Sit quietly. Close your eyes. Take three slow , relaxed , deep breaths. Open your eyes, inhale the sandalwood cotton through your nose. Pause and inhale again. Say out aloud or internally:

" Bless the oneness of all of life. Bless the many playful ways through which oneness is expressed. Bless my life as a complex and unique expression of perfect oneness:

Sandalwood helps you to experience and bless the oneness that underlies all of life.

ONENESS: Bring happiness and true happiness from within in life. Once you are ONEness, good relationships, health.

5ml Sandalwood oil with a fan. At $120.

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