Monday, February 14, 2011

Prayers and Human Heart

Human heart and mind is constantly changing and tend to get bored easily.

Prayers, Chanting and Excitement?
When I first learn kwan yin mantra -- Om mani Padme Hung, I was so excited and chanted it day and night...Subsequently, I reduced to alternate days...and further reduced my chanting only when I remember to do so. Along the way, I learnt a new mantra and again, started chanting happily with faith....then I get lazy again and felt the need for a new mantra...and so I started learning another new mantra...............................

Wake UP ONE DAY....
One day, I reflected on myself....Why I am so diligent and chanted constantly whenever I learnt a new time goes by, the mind wanted more and more, get tired of things easily and want new "excitement". This is not right!

Does that sounds familiar to you too? When you first learn Da Bo Gong mantra, you started off chanting so faithfully but after one month, you become lazy and chant only when you have problems.

We are human beings. Laziness and excuses are inevitable, even for myself. What I do to overcome is, I dedicate myself to 3mins a day to chant mantra. I may not have the 'feel' to chant on a particular day but I will still chant. This is to train myself. If we do not train ourselves, how are we going to be a better person? Due to constance practising, the energy will be strong.

It is like doing Positive Affirmation. Many western countries borrowed the mantra thiny from Chinese or Buddhism and transform to their own context...not realising that...many ignorant people spent $3000 to attend courses on positive thinking etc....Attending these courses may get you motivated for perhaps 3 weeks and you are back to normal after that...

I chanted mantra faithfully and takes me 20 years to enable my Master to impart me healing rays last year. I was shocked when he told me he only teach one disciple. I have to cherish God's blessing to me by putting it in good use and chant prayers for all. It will be useless if I have the chanting mantra and keep it for myself only.

Da Jia Lai Bai Bai Part ONE will reveal all the ways to good luck. The original Affirmation is hidden in 5000 years old of Joss Paper. Register to if you haven't done so.

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