I invited 2 different Colors of Lion Dance according to Bazhi Calculation for good luck. You can play the video and let the Gong activate you for 15 seconds =)
Lion Fortune Dance Energy was invited to activate 18 items for your invitation in this blog..especially for those who can't make it to the class. You can still enjoy the good fortune with us. Not forgetting all of your flower coins which were also further activated with the lion dance energy of the 8 Auspicious Luck =D YEAHHhh!!

8 Jan Students:
Smses and emails of 16 striked lottery; was praised at work and misunderstanding was cleared.
15th Jan Students:
Sms, with both husband and wife striked lottery on the same day.
NB: I am fine if you buy lottery perhaps once a month or just a bit. Buying toto on CNY ANG BAO day is also good also during chinese new year. Not too much and don't be greedy...just moderate is good. I will buy 4D only on Birthday and during Chinese New Year. I don't encourage gambling at all, so don't email me to say I promote gamble.
My sincered apologies to those whom I did not manage to attend to your questions on stage and during workshops. There were too many people. Please accept my apologies. Forgive me. You can call me again for your questions :)
8 Jan 2011 Lion Dance to further activate flower coins and the 18 items on the front table for all blog members to invite home for super luck. Price ranges between $188 to $680. Interested may sms me and I help you to select.
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