Sunday, January 2, 2011

Super Coin 2011 and forever

Flower Coin, is in the process of posting out now , those who have order so just wait ok. Dont email to order again hor... Still early la. I slowly post out.

What to do with Flower Coin?

Once your receive keep it first. The actual day of usage is 4th Feb 2011.The flower coin is specially made to this size by me. You cant find this size anywhere and only from here.
Activated and with lots of usages and needed for year 2011 to balance out the difficult year. A collectiable and all can have one.

FLower COin is $48 activated by Bryan Lao Shi.
U can now order through, previously those who have order, I am posting out slowly so dont email to order again hor....

The meaning behind coin side A

A) <元宝>钱财如意

B) <祥鹿>加官进禄

C)<喜鹊> 喜事临门

D)<蝙蝠> 福到眼前

E) <寿桃> 福禄寿全

So many thing activaed and effort made activated to its energy. All must remember coin use with love and compassion u will see result fast

NB: Some people who get powerful charm from a master, keep asking master is it working, or will it work, or like why so long it has not work.... This question is the same as , u ask God for happiness, God say no... Because God has given you blessing, happiness is up to u to choose.

Many times, we only see the present suffering and didnt know the suffering that u are going through is due to past life karma and u need to go through because is ur destiny. Using of lucky items, give u the energy to move on. And dont mistaken black tourmaline bracelet once wear can see result immediately, but slow and steady is important. But alot felt , your temper improved or recovered quickly.....

Mini Forecast of 2011 : U be surprise I have many happy faces, and quite different many main stream fengshui master forecast of lots of problems. Well ,I just want to share with you your potential:
Super Luck Achieve with Flower coin
Dog: Lots of wealth if u carry flower coin and make wish constantly spray protection flora spray at NE of your house during 15th of every chinese lunar month.
Horse: Avoid quarrelsome star and use flora Tranquility spray constantly, carry flower coin for blessed luck. Select 除日 and hold flower coin make wish.
Rat: Good happy luck and cultivate happiness by chanting mantra or any affirmation,put flower coin at North West and spray protection spray at living room once a day.
Goat: Sick of sickness star by putting 6 dynasty coin hulu at bedroom and carry flower coin make wish on 4th feb 2011. Spray Tranquility healing spray before sleep in the air

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