Thursday, January 6, 2011

SMS;;; past 2 days

Case Studies

1) "Lao Shi, please help me, my son after get married become so different. Once a week when he come back to see us cannot tell his wife, if not wife will angry."

Results: Wife will suffer from obstacles at work and money issues in future, if she continues to do this.

2) "Lao shi, I am a Buddhist, pray so long no effect on health, and switch to catholic, pray alot even novena yet no result and now thinking switch to Christian. Is it ok? "

Answer: Do you have faith" Many people go kwan yin temple pray. Do you expect immediate effect after prayers? No. Have faith from your heart. Kwan yin or God will plan something for us. Just let go and let God after prayers, we need to be patient. Sometimes after praying, a lot of things happen that day and human start to doubt....why pray makes things worse. Ignorant as human can do not realise this is actually better for us.

3) "My master is the most famous one in Bangkok and gave me a pendant, but I only feel power first year after that like no power."

Answer: We are human beings. You can have the most powerful FS item on earth, but if you do not cultivate your luck bank, your own aura will not be able to tune in with the lucky items, and it become useless. This is why I always emphasis on Chanting and breathing exercise with any power items.


Anonymous said...

I m attending ur fengshui talk on 15 Jan n it also happens to be my birthday. I m so lucky.

Tkz : Tansie

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday! so bryan will sing u a birthday song at the end of the talk? kekee.

Anonymous said...

I am really blessed with love that i have received my warmest handshake with Birthday Greeting from Bryan, Gan Wah Teck on 4th Sept 2010.

I have went to collect my order item(Selenite Bar) from Bryan's Bai Bai Part 1 Workshop on my Birthday Day. I have purchased Selenite Bar to cleanse my Crystal Bracelet & my Mala(prayer bead).

I also went to pray at Yue Hai Qing Miao, 30-B Philip Street, Singapore 048696 & Tel: 6536 6851 on 4th Sept 2010. Bryan Lao Shi, see u again on 8th Jan 2011. Bryan, this is my 3rd yr of attending yr Feng Shui Workshop.

fm Karen Tong