Friday, January 7, 2011

Power Research Reveal

Powerful research: [May offend some fengshui masters..I am sorry...hmm...will shi fei start from today? OOOppsss..... No I hope not. I am only here to share and teach people to save money by DIY methods Hheehehhehe]

Below is a draft research material: The actual one will be out asap.

If you have emailed me that some outside in the market have told you its $1000 to burn this joss paper, do not do it. Just wait for my research to be out. Will save you a lot of......$$$ and effective. I DIY only $50 and once and for all.

Took me 3 years to research on this Joss paper. Many trial and error and some fengshui master charged $500 to perform this procedure, whereas I spent only $50 and completed the very good luck joss paper burning. You only need to burn once in a lifetime. hhehheehhe POwer enough.. I researched all the way from Singapore to Taiwan and Hong Kong and bought from many shops and finally found this important joss paper here. Give me a bit more time to finish typing and share here. There's many fake ones selling in the market.

Burning this joss paper helps to certain extend and lighten the load of your daily life from health to wealth. I think its worth trying since is an ancient art passed down.

The day you are born, you will have some amount of debt which you owed in past life. As a result, some people has endless obstacles and no matter what you do, the same obstacles appear again and again.

I don't really believe until I have researched on it. Personally, I think its really worth a try to burn just one time. Different year animal sign will burn different number of boxes. I took a picture of the research using camera because this material is not allowed to be taken from the main joss paper seller.... . I am talking to the in charge. Hopefully I can print out for everyone in my fengshui talk.

Example for RAT:
Many years ago, I did a reading from a famous fengshui master. In his book he said rat of 1984 year owed" 5 million 3 thousand money". I was so confused how to repay the 5 million 3 thousand. No one knows in Singapore. I researched and researched for 3 years. Some fengshui master need you to spend $500 to burn this joss paper. Frankly speaking, not many people can afford this money. I also encounter some who anyhow teach me to use the fake ones from CHINA .. ..My search for the real original one went on, until I found the one from Hong Kong....I thought its the real one but realised its still fake.

I am Super lucky last month to finally find the real one. They always run out of stock. Each box is $4. For rat of 1984, you will just need to burn 11 boxes and one time off to clear.
I am still waiting for them to give me contact so we can order ourselves and will explain the procedures in Bai Bai class part 2 and during fengshui talk tomorrow.
I will try to gather more information and upload in this blog. Burning this joss paper helps you to clear obstacles that prevents you from progress in life. As human being, its inevitable to have problems. After burning this joss paper, your problems can be resolved easier.
(To be continued.......................)


Anonymous said...

what is that "joss paper" in chinese ?

Anonymous said...

Karen Tong wld like u to refer to the Chinese Dictionary for Joss Paper as "Jin Zhi".

Da Jia Lai Bai Bai = Traditional Chinese Art for Joss Paper Formation

Date: 9th April 2011(Sat)
Venue: The Civil Service Club
Fee: S$18/person
Time: 10am to 12pm(2hrs)

If u have not register yrself for attending Bryan's Da Jia Lai Bai Bai Part 1(for Beginner), u can send yr email for yr registration with yr name, yr contactable/mobile number with title name: Da Jia Lai Bai Bai Part 1(for Beginner) or Da Jia Lai Bai Bai Part 2(for Intermediate).

Course: Da Jia Lai Bai Bai Part 2
Date: 5th March 2011(Sat)
Venue: The Civil Service Club
Fee: S$25.00/person
Time: 10am to 12.00pm(2hrs)

For those who have attended Da Jia Lai Bai Bai Part 1 Workshop(for Beginner) last yr(2010)with our Bryan Lao Shi.

Bryan will issue each of his participant with a energy Bai Bai Certificate Card with Blessing.

U can travel by MRT to Farrer Park(Exit B-Tessensohn Rd) & walking distance abt 5 to 10 mins to reach the final destination.

Thank u for yr attention.

Have a Nice Wkend.
