5 Dynasty coin can also be carried by people whose animal sign is affected by Tai Sui. If you do not want to carry 6 dynasty coin hulu, you can also save $10.
Animal signs that need to carry 6 Dynasty or 5 Dynasty coin for Tai sui was explained in previous post.
For all, beside placing 6 dynasty coin hulu at EAST of the house, you can also use 5 dynasty coin hulu. Do bear that in mind.
Bryan's zu sa activated 6 Dynasty coin and 5 Dynasty coin is only $48 and $38 respectively. If a family of a few, the $10 will become substantial.
If you are affected by Tai Sui, you can also carry this year 5 dynasty coin alone. 6 dynasty coin must be used for South ok.
5 Dynasty coin Zu Sa in CHinese
风水学的制煞吉祥物中,“五帝钱”确实相当好用。一则它力量够大,二则它美观,三则它经济实惠。不管对风水的任何冲煞、催财、平安....方面,都有非常好的避凶趋吉效果。所以我们建议,宅中可尽量多用“五帝钱”做装饰。尤其对财位的催财,客厅,门上的装饰,办公室,汽车内的装饰....等,都有相当不错的风水灵力。 关于五帝钱的运用。有一些摆设要点如下,以便你能正确地运用风水的力量:
6、化开口煞:屋宅大门,直冲电梯、停车场、马路、向下、向上楼梯....等皆为开口煞。宜在进门处,吊挂一串,予以化解。(NORTH 2011)
順治古錢-主萬事順遂 雍正古錢-主雍容富貴 康熙古錢-主康泰安熙 乾隆古錢-主財運興隆 嘉慶古錢-主長壽喜慶
Features of Bryan's 5 Dynasty coin :
Specially using 3 fire method and zu sa to activate.
New comers( The market rate for a zu sa coin is $108 and $128. A lot of effort is put in for Bryan's good luck items. Activation method by zu sa is also originated and powered by my master.)
FAQ for 6 Dynasty COin
1) Bryan, how about the 6 dynasty coin?
6 dynasty coin is very good to fight illness star number 2, and illness fly star is also located at SOUTH this year. Its important to take care of South direction of your house this year, such as main door, window or bedroom. If its window, it means the sickness wind will keep blowing into your house.
6 dynasty coin hulu is also good for people who is always sick. Place it beside the bed ok.
Hi Bryan lao shi
For Lup Chun day, what are we suppose to prepare.
Hey , dont worry, Lapchun is so so powerful this year, flowercoin make wish can le.... I will introduce a detail soon before that this blog hor....
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