How to do it?
Go to the temple or any prayer place. Say your name , address and age. Do a confession on all the negative things you have done throughout the year. Example" I, Bryan would like to confess all the negative actions and words made throughout the year and will strive to be a better person. May anyone who see and talk to me be happy and develop loving kindness. Thank you God/DaboGong etc...."
Followed by prayer for protection and happiness.
Its a super good day for me to activate a new batch of all the flower coins,5 dynasty coin, 6 dynasty coin and 3 flower coins with pixiu (Only 6 sets left).
There are a lot of newcomers to our big happy family.
Welcome aboard! Besides BryanVeryGoodLuck,
Bryan also has a health blog http://www.bryanomhealth.blogspot.com/
Folks, hang on to your questions for usage of the Flower coin usage.
Allow me to focus on Tiger Year fengshui first =)
Remove Bad luck star first 2011
6D coin Hulu (SOUTH a must, EAST)
5D coin (EAST, NW )
For East, you can either put 6 D coin or 5 D coin.
6D coin Hulu (SOUTH a must, EAST)
5D coin (EAST, NW )
For East, you can either put 6 D coin or 5 D coin.
Those affected by Tai sui can carry 5 D coin....
Wen cang pen (South West)
have been activated with Zu Sa by me and imparted by my master who is now 70 years old. He has helped many people in luck issues. I am deeply grateful to him...thank him for willing to impart his skills to me..I learnt that I am the only one whom he taught. Master actually wanted to impart me charm writing skills to help people but I don't think I can...Hmm maybe when I am older.
have been activated with Zu Sa by me and imparted by my master who is now 70 years old. He has helped many people in luck issues. I am deeply grateful to him...thank him for willing to impart his skills to me..I learnt that I am the only one whom he taught. Master actually wanted to impart me charm writing skills to help people but I don't think I can...Hmm maybe when I am older.
Hi Bryan
What should we do to the The oranges and tea after praying to FU Lu Shou.
jiak heng heng
hi bryan,
when u will be posting those slides for welcome rabit year?
May I know for those under Anonymous who give advice, does it comes from the true source or someone out there make used of bryan blog.
Hi Bryan
My house east is the toilet, so can I put the 5D coin in the east side of the living room. Thanks
toilet ba, u put more metallic items in toilet ok, toilet floor mat use white
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