Sunday, December 5, 2010


Up till this morning, 97 called and email me.

Born in the year of Monkey, 73: Car accidents, sickness, Bully by people, emotional problems
Born in the year of Tiger, 24: Almost same as above.

20% of other religions. I just doing statiscal studies.

Many I tell them if your horoscope clashs with tai sui that year, you will meet some emo thing. Do not take it too badly. Just be aware and it will pass quickly ok.

All affected by 2010 tai sui, fret not. Two months left for you to overcome obstacles and welcome good luck ok :)


mingxiang said...

The benefits of Prayer Seal include opening the heart, calming the mind, and reducing the stress, anxiety, and worry.

It reminds us to practise harmony, balance,and the silence in our lives. Prayer Seal supports meditation practises by creating an automatic feeling of reverence.

Unknown said...

You cannot feel joy when your heart is filled with pain. Behind your emotional pain are truths your body has registered from the past; without releasing that pain, you cannot experience the depths of pleasure.

Expressing your feelings, and your faith in the oneness of life by choosing to serve others will reduce your emotional stress. When your devotion to other fulfills your life's purpose and connects you and your higher self, your emotional pain eases. Servicing others and being loving to yourself will open your heart to being healed.

Unknown said...

Trust is the basic for emotional and spiritual growth. Worry strangles your spirit and depletes your vital energy. Accuppressure, deep breathing exercises and practising the techniques of positive thinking are effective measures for trusting yourself and counteracting worry's harmful influences.