In life when you run into problems, there are actually a lot of places you can find your answers.
I was trapped for a week, thinking about my life and directions. I was in Kinokuniya Bookshop last week browsing through some books. I saw a lot of Business men from the Western Countries relate Buddhist Teaching in their businesses. A very famous book called Diamond Cutter Business. To my surprise, these westerners spent time to study and go into details of Buddhist philosophy in Management and they noticed that Buddhist study is a philosophy but not religious.
Do you know the oldest printed book in the world is this Diamond Cutter Sutra in British Library? Do you sometimes feel ashamed as a Chinese, that we never look into the things that can help us...and instead search out of it, trying to be ego and look down on our things.... See above. This is approximately 587 years before the Gutenberg Bible was first printed. I am not trying to compare who has a longer history but I hope everyone can have an open mind and look around---- not just one way.
I enjoy reading books from all religions. Certain things I can't find in Buddhism, I found answer in Bible.... I think its good and happier when one can be more minded and respect all religions. If you think carefully did any of the religion founder ever mention bad things about other religions? Never right? Its human being who are being ignorant.... Why not spend the time to cultivate loving kindness, compassion rather then criticism?
Bryan 老师's feelings and thoughts after reading 3 pgs of 金刚经 :
To me, Diamond Cutter Sutra (金刚经)is an extremely difficult sutra to understand. I stumbled upon the book in my drawer when I was doing some cleaning up at home. It was in ancient Chinese words (Many aunties chanted this sutra without knowing the meanings behind) I was surprised that I have actually keep this book with me for 20 years......... Best of all, with explanations..... I read the first page with so much meanings.. I wanna share here with you using my broken English. Hope you forgive me....
By just reading first few pages: I was so delighted to learn that----
Our heart and mind is very vulnerable. We can have constant feelings of happy and unhappy, sadness and grief. As we grow older, our mind will be easily influence by people, environment more.
We go to the temple to allow our heart to be calm, but once we left the temple, our heart and mind starts to be sad with our issues again. This is not good. Temple becomes an escape rather than helping us. This state of mind cannot carry on like this. We must learn to subdue it and train our mind to achieve peace and true happiness.
To achieve that we must make an effort and do homework.
No one can help us, unless we make effort to help ourselves. We must constantly reflect our mind, do breathing exercise, confession and confront our problems. Our mind will slowly be calmed and in peace. Laziness and excuses ...
Problems: Married the wrong person? Difficult Boss? Unreasonable friends? Children take you for granted? Betrayed by love ones? Sick until you feel like giving up? Why so much Burden? Too rich but find no meaning in life?
Well, if you have the above problems, go to the book shop and look for a book written by Ang Moh ( he is other religion) on Diamond Cutter Sutra ..... or just read my blog here with my broken english..... At anytime I found things that are extremely useful, I will share here....
Motivation of the Day:
From now, Bryan to do a breathing exercise every morning. Will pen down his feelings in a mini book how he feels . Say a little prayer and may everyone be happy.
At night: Bryan will spend 3 minutes to reflect on his emotions and do breathing exercise to release all worries.
Day by Day, Year by Year I believe dour mind can be trained..... Let's do it together!
Book to recommend. I going to buy later. Anyone has 20% discount from Kino can help me buy. Hhaahahhaa sms me 94895606

15 Jan 2010 "Welcome Fengshui Talk" will have a part on Diamond Cutter Sutra and Luck.
Learn how to overcome your very bad luck and face it..... Only 50 seats left for this talk. Register fast
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