Wednesday, November 10, 2010

沉香 --- 4 pieces (Left 3, ONE SOLD)

In market which is rare kwan yin carving 沉香good carving techniques and real one cost now $1800. But here I have 4 pieces for collectors at $555 a piece. For those interested sms me 94895606. Only 4 pieces for collectors.沉香 don't be mistaken must be dark and smell strong. Real one, u rub the base the smell is gently emitting out. Two seated kwan yin and Two standing kwan yin, habd carved. Interested I will choose for u according to conversation with you.

Chinese research:擺放住家或公司門市,均有聚氣生財,調理避邪,安定人心的功能,沉木不論具象或不具象,人為或天工,都非常適合凝神諦觀,可收攝妄念,讓人心平氣和。

Fake: 佛珠太黑不自然又價格便宜的沉香手珠多半是人工罐油的加工沉香,不具價值,且越戴越不亮,沒有靈性,香氣不自然,需謹慎選擇購買。 [Put in house for Good Qi, Calm the mind, Remove Negative Energy]

Little Laugh: There is a company who is not doing very well, after see fengshui need to buy a piece of wood of palm size at $20000. End up everymonth GIRO paying the wood. I was thinking..... Why not get from me? Than I ask my friend who works in this company, they say because I dont have a shop and no advertisement and too cheap.... Hahahah. Aiyo.... I have that piece of wood only $2000. Ten times they pay ....


Unknown said...

very nice artwork !!! though i cant afford, looking at it sends clamness & auto smiling .. (^_^)

Unknown said...

I have purchased good quality of Agarwood at our Bryan Lao Shi's Workshop.

I love the super fragrance of Agarwood. I will burn Agarwood during my prayer at my house.

Thank you, Bryan Lao Shi for the good recommendation of Agarwood at your Workshop.
