Friday, November 12, 2010

8 and 15 Jan 2011 "Fengshui Welcome 2011" Talk

It will be a very special one. Includes ancient way of good luck and how to pray on Da Bo Gong Birthday for good luck....

Again, I won't instill the superstitious type.... So enjoy.

Class on 8 Jan is Full house, Next class is on 15 JAN. 80 SEATS LEFT. Register through

Venue is CSC, auditorium from 10am to 12pm

Some of the topics 2011 -----

A) Rain is like wealth. No matter how big the rain is, if there is no reservoir to store and accumulate the water, it will just flow away... the same goes for your wealth. How do you lock your wealth?
B) Endless bad luck, which cannot be explained in words? What method can we use to reduce this effect?

C) Heaven Door Open Day : Yes. It has been proven to help many to further improve their luck...

D) Cases of prayer to 福德正神 and good feedback
E) Flying Stars in Short 2011 (no need repeat so many times. I will go straight to the point )
F) 12 animals horoscope. What to watch out for each of the animal horoscope....
G) Pray..Do not be affected by people or even fengshui masters when they told you there's black cloud over your forehead... Do not be scare. Just pray sincerely and everything will be fine... 拜拜心诚则灵,不能用钱衡量。

H) How to make wish effectively on 初一,十五

Our Chinese tradition should not be forgotten. If you have any religions concern, but wish to attend, please come with an open mind.
I used to worry too much and find that I can't share much as a result. But now, I will just share and if you aren't comfortable, do not 'force' and stress yourself. If you come, just come with an open mind. Remember think positive and be happy.

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