Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Testimonial 2

Wow you all giving wonderful birthday presents! Was it because of my birthday? Testimonial are flooding in. Hahahhaaa thank you :P
This is a blog to share happiness.
No matter who you are, just remember:
Never give up. When you have the feeling of "Sianz/anger/frustrated/unfair" could be due to work, spouse, families, kids or financial etc. The day you were born, you deserved happiness. Happiness is your birth right and do not be affected by others even you are 70 years old now. SAY "I take back my POWER".
Just do affirmation and drink fresh grape juice today. Do not tolerate. I do not believe in 忍because tolerate increased toxic in body. I LET GO.... and LET GOD....

All my Bai Bai R & D students(preserving chinese tradition) I will update the tutorial website which was given to you with a new news at 11am. please take note.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hmmm, i have hung up my one pair of Happy properly activated by 9 procedure(healing & protection) Gorgeous Mystic knot fm Bryan Lao Shi at my bedroom door. I feel very peaceful & calm when i am looking/admiring them with my eyes. 6th October 2010 is a Auspicious Day for praying.

I have air cleansing my Bracelet & Mala with Kim's Sandalwood powder. I have used Mala method formation with Kim's Sandalwood to remove negative(stagnant) energy(qi) fm my house. I have burned one pair of Ong Lai candle & dropped 4 drops of 5 Elements Aroma Oil with water inside my burner at my living room.

I have played "For the Benefit of all Beings Pervading Space" - Recitation and Meditation of Great Compassionate One by Shangpa Rinpoche. I love them(2 Disks) very much as my latest collection of Mantra CD.

fm Kwan Yin Ma's Baby