Saturday, October 23, 2010

Happy Activated KNot

A symbol for longevity, endless togetherness and also signify good health.
Do you really need a fengshui master for house fengshui? Well, of course you can, if you have the extra money to spare especially when you are recommended to get certain fengshui items...and if you don't get those recommended items, you feel uneasy and worry.... hhmmmmmmmmm.......
For 15 years, I find that a simple mystic knot at home and 5 main types of crystals (Rose Quartz, Amethyst, Citrine, Clear Quartz and Obsidian) is more than enough for all fengshui cure. Some people will put a fengshui wealthbowl which has all of the above....( is time to make my famous wealthbowl)

In 2007, I have activated small mystic knot($48 per piece) with Zu Sa. Now, the bigger one has arrived at $68 each. If you can hang it at home, its presence will benefit every aspects of your life including relationships, abundance, protection and career.
The trick is, you must rub your mystic knot three times with your thumb as and when. Its activated with love and light by Bryan 老师. Optional if you want to follow the ancient method. For myself, hanging it anywhere is good. I love to hang one near my main door and one in the bedroom.
Bryan's Activated Mystic knot technical specification:
  1. Maindoor: Welcome Good energy to your house. Block away negative energy.
  2. Living room: Fight negative "Qi" of the house due to poor fengshui yet bringing about harmony
  3. Bedroom: Brings love to your life. Activate love ones to appreciate you.
  4. Study room: Focus and Concentration. Activates the study star.
  5. Office: Reduce all Office politics.
NB: Fire activated by Bryan 老师 with Zu Sa. Optional for other religions, you can request not to be activated but cleanse with aroma music method :D Hang it as a chinese good luck symbol.
$68 per piece and $120 for two. Email to to place your orders.
Best date to hang is 4th , 13th , 17th Nov
Power and can be used forever


Unknown said...

i got the smaller version from u few yrs back. I can see the improvements at home. Activated FS items do make a different from non activated ones.

I took up an interest in crystal therapy because of you. Attended your crystal class and still making full use of what you have taught in class. It was very useful to myself, family and friends. Thank you.

God blessed.

Anonymous said...

Audrey here.
I have attended a crystal class in Aus and attended Bryan's crystal class too.

Bryan is good. His topics were even better then what I have learnt in Aus. Course fee is so much lower but contents were very comprehensive (I almost can't believe it).

Anyone who wants to learn more about crystals and color therapy should get Bryan as your teacher.

Anonymous said...

Crystal Therapy is especially good for relieving stress, tension, fatigue, insomina, headaches, migrance and sinusitus when combine with doctor's treatment.

Many commented they experienced peace, feel calm and relax but at the same time, leaving them feel energised, revitalised and able to concentrate better.

Crystal Therapy can also lead to a shift in stagnant energy, allowing you to concentrate and focus better. Most important of all, it is a skill for life where you can put into practical use for yourself and even for people around you.

Anonymous said...

i haf a wedding lunch to attend on 23 Oct..
wish the next class be available real soon..
really need to make effort to put what we have learnt to good praticse.. :)

work + studies = super stress
but i have been using grapefruit + lavender oil.. Love it so much!!

learn what you have been
practice what you have been learning


Anonymous said...

Hi Cynthia Sis,

U can borrow or read this bk "Stress- HOW TO COPE WITH PRESSURE By Dr David Lake" at the National Libray REf: B15113759J in Sin.

There are 5 methods/ways to strengthen your Aura.

a) Crystal breathing exercise
b) Music
c) Praying(that's why after church or temple one tends to feel very refresh).
d) Bathing yourself in 5 Elements Aroma Oil.
e) A walk at botantical ways

You can wear a crystal or do positive thinking to help to strengthen your Aura field so that you will not be affected or influenced by people.

Cynthia Sis, plse take gd care of your health & do not worry too much regarding your Study or Examination result ok.

fm MingXiang

Anonymous said...

Thanks ming Xiang

I only haf time to read related journal articles or textbook with regards to my course now :(

I'm doing positive affirmation n 636 breathing :) n of course daily reading of laoshi's blog. It sure brightens my daily n remind mi to stay happy or at least reduce stress!! Doesn't take much time n straight to the point ..

Thank you laoshi n readers here..
