I hope anyone who feel upset after having your reading read outside, but can't afford their items, just do 636 breathing exercise to break away this self fulfill prohecy. Bazhi is only 30% guideline in your life. 70% is human effort, positive thinking and breathing exercise.
13 Nov is "Prana Qi Gong Touch Therapy" exercise in one lesson. This is your good chance to renew Qi before the new year and learn Qi Gong in a fun simple way. Email to class@omhealth.com to register.

I always believe one must always have faith and pray no matter you are in good luck or having bad luck, and all prayers will be answered no matter what religion you are. Have faith but not superstitious. Faith with compassion, loving kindness, open minded and wisdom is important.
As long as you are members of BryanVeryGoodLuck, your name will be submitted for yearly World peace prayers.
6 good things performed by readers and BryanVeryGoodLuck members:
1) Medicine Buddha Puja performed for health (A few have recovered from cancer, and they thank me, but I want to say, thank you all auspicious prayer that give you strength and determined to stay alive. Its YOU who never give up & have helped yourself.)
2) Amitabha Buddha World peace Candle Lighting for all.
3) Medicine donation to free clinics(Tong Ji hospital, Buddhist free clinic and Ju Shi Lin)
4) Incense Puja performed for all to remove obstacles in your life.
5) Powerful Compassionate heart puja with love & light for all beings.
6) Building Bridge in Cambodia to provide access from village to Hospital and places.
Everyone, give yourself a CLAP. With combined energy, we can do so many good things together...
2011, I will arrange a Wealth God prayer puja. All those who have ordered the coin 2011 will have your name in it automatically. The wealth God Prayer is in Buddhism, for abundance in life, opportunities and abundance for happiness. Its NOT just about money. In Buddhism, the wealth god will help you achieve prosperity, you must also use this prosperity to spread good and happiness to help the poor. A lot of concepts about wealth prayer in Chinese is wrong. Many people thought praying to wealth god brings wealth. Well yes, it will bring you wealth but only if you have accumulated merits by being a good person, and Wealth God will activate your potential.
As I typed my words, my heart is filled with energy. The energy to give is more than to receive. What you recieved after giving is beyond words to describe....JOY filled the heart.
Are you still stuck in your depressed mood? Step out of that moment, look at yourself. Tell yourself, even though you are suffering now, you LOVE and ACCEPT yourself and FORGIVE. LET GO, LET GOD or Kwan yin ma. Say it out 3 times, take a deep breathe, you feel blessed.
I want to conclude, many who have involved directly and indirectly above found peace and direction in life. It is the power of prayers. Some may not be able to make financial donation, I will still put your name in the prayers. DO not worry ok. I am most happy the dream to help people involving puja for $5 or $10 happens. Because outside, there is a lot of prayers requiring a lot of monetary donations in order to put your name in it....which can disheartened many people who have financial problems.
So glad to know that many of you have prayed to Heaven by looking at the sky, smile to the sky making wish on Heaven Open Door Day. There is so much positive feedback that I want to share.
Always bear in mind good Fengshui comes from within your heart. Once you cleanse your heart, quiet your mind, whatever you pray for highest good is effective.
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