Friday, October 8, 2010

Birthday Is an important Day

This mala has been with me since 200. It has helped me to cultivate my heart and the color therapy of mala helps me to be a wiser person. I used it to chant mantra daily, and feel great wearing it to sleep when I am stressed ....All who love your mala, please remember to make full use of it

My master taught me that Birthday is a day that can improve one's luck, overcome obstacles and be calmer in emotion. My birthday is tomorrow. Actually, Bryan's bazhi has a lot of discrepancies and my numerology has many missing planets. However, this does not demoralise me in any way. In fact, I am more encouraged to do brightening heart exercise, positive affirmation and spread love..... It works ok....That is why I am looking forward to do it everyday :D

Birthday : Where Heaven and Earth Qi meet, and Heaven Earth Human trinity luck will be produced for yourself. The day you were borned determines some of your basic character and your fate.......... Having access to 4000 database, I must say Bazhi, Numerology and the planetary signs do affect a person in a way. Then again, we can modify it by doing good, have a good heart and be gratitude.

Bryan 老师 Luck improvement method for birthday.

Things to do on your birthday:

1) A final rinse with 5 elements oil during shower.

2) Drink 5 red dates tea.

2) Be grateful, appreciate and thank your parents from your heart. This is a day where our mother endures the highest pain to bring us to this world...Mothers risked their life to give birth to their children... Since it is the day where mother sacrifices a lot, children should thank their mother for giving birth to them.

3) Pray and give thanks to GOD (in my case 天公)

4) Have a little celebration. It could be a simple dinner with friends. There's no need to feel lonely on that day, even if you are not in the mood. Just enjoy what you are doing. Have a dinner with friends and family :)

Important Note: Have a cake with candles. A little ceremony of cake cutting and making wishes will be good. Hey, please make practical wishes ok :p

Extra tips for those with Gui Ren Bag:
On your birthday, write your birthday wish and put it into your Gui ren bag. You can throw away the paper once wishes come true.


Anonymous said...

I used mala for breathing exercise and in color therapy to visualise purple color to calm my anger and panic attack. Medication has reduced and I would love to thank you for being determined in your work.

Lao Shi Jia You

Anonymous said...

The birthday improvement method is on lunar birthday?

Anonymous said...

Bryan, thk u for custom made my 54 Bead Amethyst Mala(praying bead). I have received my Mala on 14th Feb 2009. My Valentine's Mala will be turning 2 yrs old on 14th Feb 2011.

Fm MingXiang

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday to Bryan Lao Shi on 9th Oct 2010.


Anonymous said...

Hi Bryan,

This is Margaret who is a small time customer of yours but i have a heart full of my best wished to you for your Birthday!

Have an Awesome Life! with lots of Clover Luck!!

Anonymous said...

Lao Shi Happy birthday to you.
09 Oct is also my birthday yeah.


Anonymous said...

Hi Laoshi,

Have a Blessed Birthday !
