Wednesday, May 11, 2011

6636 Class -- Ancient Calculation Taught by Bryan

Left 15 seats: Officially Final of the YEAR 2011. You will learn finger press release bad luck method too.

Once a YEAR, 6636 Biggest Zhu Ge Calculation in 2011:

18 Jun 2011 at SMU, from 10am to 12.30pm.

Course fees :$66

Email to to register

Every 6636 workshop will be a section that is different for different year. Students will get to learn the Lion of Palm on a Good Day for health and success (A secret that many don't know) in this year 6636.

Positive Affirmation Directions in 6636: Extra in 6636, one will learn

  • to activate the Fame and Success Directions in your house.

  • Positive Affirmations that is related to your birthdate for success and health.
(ENGLISH) How can to use your five fingers to calculate a simple guidance message? What is the next action (in not a superstitious way) to handle? Example: I received an email telling me some bad news. But how bad is bad?? What action can I take if I lost my decision making? How can I enhance on my decision? 6636..... Five fingers calculation... First in Singapore to conduct this course in English by Bryan 老师 万物之母,水为万物之源,五行以水为一,其法以月将加时辰,立四课,排三传,观阴阳,辩生克,以决吉凶成败.

白虎主口舌、词讼、刑法:好战喜斗、专门掌管口舌、词讼、刑法;有权势或掌管兵权;行军作战、兴师动众、常有惊人惊众之举;为官方、警察、警卫、保安人员、律师、高层领导人员等。  白虎主凶、恶、灾殃:凶象、不详、非佳境;主凶、凶事;主恶、恶事;主灾、灾殃;主危、危险等。 

Those who registered will receive an activated Mani wheel pendant that is blessed in a PUJA by my Master(Its very very precious), and a pack of blessed incense for health and prosperity.

Register via


Anonymous said...

Thank you very much for the very enlighening and interesting session this morning. My Saturday morning is well spent. And my pleasure to meet you, Bryan Lao Shi. I certainly look forward to attending more of ur workshops

Anonymous said...

At last lao Shi, u open up the comment section. 6636 indeed is a very interesting workshop. May I attend again , for half the fees? Just love to come again.