Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Queen Of Mala --- Made:>

This famous mala was designed for protection in general and from anger, jealousy and fear. In addition. it can help with manifestation of one's desires, and brings good luck. It helps to ease or remove sorrows. It also help to stabilize energies at home. Well, I have decided to remake this again because it helps to banish sorrow from the emotional structure. This mala is also good to be used to chant mantra. It was said having it chanted 10800 times, you can hang behind door to protect the house from negativity. I have also design it to strengthen family ties. Auspicious x 10. Queen of mala is born now. Cherry Carnelian of highest quality with Black Tourmaline EMF and a Big Dzi of high energy. This is a 福禄寿 mala, combining Heaven, Earth and Human Trinity Luck. It is very good for 时来运转。Many who just hold it, can feel the great energy. The secret of activating mala is used, gives energy, protects from bad vibrations, guards against poverty, helps give a sense of humor, and calms the temper. Healing properties of Carnelian Carnelian is an energy booster. It helps one who feel insecured to find strength within them so they can come into their own. This mala also clear negative energy and replace it with positive energy. This stone was also believed to protect the travelers, guard against evil, and is a traditional "good luck" stone. 54 beads in total with a big Dzi at $450. Interested collectors can sms me via 94895606. Black Tourmaline with Red Carnelian Grade AAA and a Big Dzi ($450 in market), activated by Bryan 636 Breathing Exercise Inhale, and God approaches you. Hold the inhalation, and God remains with you. Exhale, and you approach God. Hold the exhalation, and surrender to God


Anonymous said...

Gorgeous Design.

Anonymous said...

Yes I got one mala. It is really useful in time of stress . I am using it for calming exercise.