2010 marks a year of challenge. My master has allowed me to share the 6 fingers calculation of 吉凶 for specific issues. Remember in certain martial movies or TV drama where the taoists or masters used their fingers to calculate things? How did they actually do it? Not many people know. This skill has been around for thousands of years. Nobody has taught this skill "openly" here. Now is the opportunity for you to learn this skill. I encouraged EMF students to register for this class. New comers are also welcome to attend this class too :D
Used by 诸葛亮 to accurately determined simple outcome of issues with thousand years calender. This skill will be imparted to you in this class. Certainly not to be missed. No praying or chanting, but mathematical calculations using 6 fingers method :)
Those who are skilled in combat, do not become angered, those who are skilled at winning, do not become afraid. Thus the wise win before they fight, while the ignorant fight to win.----Zhuge Liang---Now Bryan 老师 has mastered this 6 finger 6 transformation mathematical calculation skills and share with you.
Method: 万物之母,水为万物之源,五行以水为一,其法以月将加时辰,立四课,排三传,观阴阳,辩生克,以决吉凶成败。A series of mathematical calculation for event, issues in life whether is Ji or not.... It is an ancient art first taught "openly" in English. Comes with English notes by BRYAN.
Finalised Course Agenda to ensure proper learning and master this art.
A) 6 6 36 calculations to predict the events and situations using date, time and 5 elements with your fingers. Master a very compicated method of trigonometry star calculations in 15mins. How our grandmother advise us where our lost item is by doing some calculations .... Amazing right :p
B) Practical Case Studies for you to familarise and master the techniques of fortune calculations.
C) Activate your own Shen Qi and success directions using your palace number. House fengshui may be too complicated for many. But using your palace direction is always applicable in office or at home. How to use palace direction to improve health, luck and wealth.
D) Omens of eye twitching and hiccups at different timing (A useful lookup table for info only)
E) The basic Iching trigram related to wealth and prosperity and basic Trigram floor map.
G) Surprises........ Aura cleansing to prevent bad luck
Lao Shi,
The date should be 27 Feb 2010...
Hi Bryan Lao Shi,
I am very excited n still following all your Workshop up to year 2010. I have learnt a lot of useful Health and Beauty Tip to be a wise consumer.
I have changed fm negative thinker to positive thinker bec i have completed all your Workshop fm elementary stage to intermediate stage.
Bryan, u r really a talented person in Singapore. U r really a caring n loving person. I am really fortunate to meet u at your Mediacorp Love 97.2FM Workshop on 25/4/2008.
Thank u, Bryan Lao Shi.
See u again on 23/10/09.
This course sounds very interesting. I have every faith in all your workshops. This one is sure to be an good workshop.
This should be the 3rd 6636 course on 2010.
27 Feb 2010 is the 1st
24 Apr 2010 is the 2nd
Bryan Lao Shi,
The garden & lily shower gel you mention in class, is it for aura cleansing also?
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