Thursday, April 9, 2009

Da Jia Lai Bai Bai Class

I have 2 wealth directions at home, one being the "direct wealth" and the other one as the "indirect wealth".

When we say wealth, it doesn't always means MONEY.

It means stability and happiness. Tomorrow is Friday, I will use Kim's sandalwood powder and my mala to amplify the energy of my house. Wealth corner is a place where your energy is stored. If you do it properly, it will accumulate a great amount of strong Qi, and when your luck is low, it will supply you with energy just like a battery charger :D

Preview of EMF Class :

A) 大家来学拜拜,拜到好运来. Who is 保生大帝Bao Sheng Da Di ? How did HE help a person who is sick and well-liked by many people?

B) How to pray correctly? Are we praying statue (many mistaken)? There is a great theory behind. Law of attraction. Who is Da Bo Gong? And why is HE always helpful to people who are hardworking.

C) Does 8 Compass number works? WHat is that? Everyone of you have a 8 Trigram Number, do you need to find out which direction is good for health, personal development etc? How accurate it is. Is this method applicable to modern century now? What needs to be done in order to make it work? And how can it help you in your daily life? Many interesting topics to share. Do not miss out this EMF fengshui course. Details as at . Make this a day for you to discover Heaven Earth luck :D


Anonymous said...

Bryan Lao Shi, this purple roses very rare n nice, where hv u bought it? it is expensive?

Hv a nice day :)

Anonymous said...

A very unique color for purple roses!

Wishing Bryan/Edric/Xiangyun/Kim & everyone of you a Happy & Blessed Good Friday!

Enjoy the long weekend...

Gerlin Chua

Anonymous said...

I have finally purchased a purple wallet for myself. I jolly know purple n green r both gd feng shui color for year 2009. My bracelet has changed color to purple n even more beautiful for 5 mths plus to be worn at my left wrist.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Gerlin. That's so thoughtful and nice of you to remember everyone. Hope you have a good weekend too.
