Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Citrine Tian Lu Day --- Not lonely anymore

Kekekeee....I received a good new from a Mala dzi owner yesterday...woww...striked a lot in ToTo. Happy for this person. I think a very important factor to take note is, they did not expect it but only hope for happiness and good health. I think the happy winner will be scanning the ticket stub to me :p

Today is the Day OF CITRINE TIAN LU and MALA.
Kindly drop me an email if you need me to design one for you :)
You can check out more details at
Power Citrine Tian Lu handmade and activated by Bryan at $188. Interested parties may email to with your contact number.
I have designed the Tian Lu with special meanings behind it. If you can see from this picture, Tian Lu is biting the ingot, Rose quartz and other crystals representing - Health, Wealth & Prosperity.
When you feel you are alone, you are actually not alone. You are simply lonely--- there is a tremedous difference between loneliness and aloneness. When you are lonely, you are thinking of are missing that someone. You feel it would be better if he/she is with you....this person you are thinking of could be your friend, spouse or your love ones. However, loneliness is a negative state. Loneliness is absence of the other.
Aloneness is the presence of oneself. Loneliness is negative; Aloneness is very positive :) Aloneness is a presence, overflowing with love. When you are so full of the presence, be contented and happy, you can fill the whole universe with your presence and there is no need to feel sad of being a single :)
Take myself for example. During this Valentine's Day, aloneness is the word for me but I am definitely not lonely. I have my Tian Lu mala pet and also a big crystal class to spread loving kindness to alll. This is something that I look forward to! Sharing love and light is actually a very very nice feeling. Everyone, shine your love & light like the CAREBEARS to the entire universe now! You will feel great!


Unknown said...

Dear Bryan,
I like your crystal class very much. It is not boring at all and I am more open to crystals now.
I used to think crystals is only used by certain religions. You really help to clear up a lot of my doubts.
Thank you for all the nice surprises you brought to us on Valentine's Day.

Anonymous said...

Hi Bryan Lao Shi.

I have just received my Amethyst Mala n Edric's Empowdered Energy Card fm Bryan Lao Shi on Valentine Day.

On 14/2/09, i cannot sleep very well n suddenly a few drops of tears have rolled down fm my eyes at 2am in the morning n so sick with bad cold.

Bryan, i have listerned in music therapy softly n fell asleep so suddenly yesterday nite.

Bryan, i have used Mala for my Breathing Exercise cum Mediation at my Heart Chakra at my Locus postion with 4 styles on 15/2/09.

Bryan, i can breathe slightly better during my Breathing Exercise with my Bldstone Smoky Quartz Bracelet with Wu Yan Tianchu n Amethyst Mala.

Thk u, Bryan Lao Shi.

fm Sweety Baby

Anonymous said...

Hi Lao Shi,
i really like your crystal class. Your teachings is very interesting and I have a better understanding on crystals now.


Anonymous said...

I do enjoy your crystal class. Thank you for enlightening me.
