Wednesday, July 10, 2019

A truly thankful bracelet design yesterday

Image may contain: jewellery

Black phantom is a stone said to make ur life easier (of course u must work hard and honest) and attract abundance and wealth.  Help you to get centered into a healthy and balanced state of mind.I design 2 jade.

Of course i use normal but real jade (not compressed) one is 6 syllable mantra and one is infinity knot but more wear more nice one.

This is a design to bring balance, wisdom and abundance and smoothen luck.

This bracelet works to shift ur thinking out of fear and negativity and mental patterns. It cleanser ur pattern to break free from stagnant and negative to a stable and positive mind. Indirectly Good Energy comes all the way in

U can use Heaven and Earth oil on this braclet.

This bracelet is $200 and u can order from with name and mobile and address and once payment made will than courier with courier fees $5

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