Monday, December 19, 2016

Dong ZHi Special for students

How to order?

To order email to, ur item list and with mobile and clear address. And we will request u to transfer before send because this one i need to do it this way as no time to track payment ok:>

This is a Liu Li

which means
to lock wealth and have wealth long term

聚财保平安 寓意财富到 吉祥平安 福袋能招财进宝,守财兴业,也象征着权力、财富、富贵等,也有化煞辟邪的作用,寓意代代平安。

specially design and have this yellow for the Dong Zhi and is $55 activated.

Courier fee is $5.  Total $60

A very good piece for adoption for ur house.
 Is not  small piece.

U can order on 21st DEcember 2017 and is limited for students 28 pieces. Facebook one 18 pieces adopted le:> not $28 !!! Is $55 I mean 28 pieces for students to order 

U see this have a tianlu climbing to a money bag and represent the energy of ur inert house shine out:>

Is a very nice piece to usher the positive Dongzhi energy and also give energy to the piece and send to ur house. As a gift for ur boss also very good:>

Is a very very wonderful piece to adopt

email to :>

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