Monday, November 10, 2014

Tai Sui 2015 : DRAFT more in fengshui talk 2015 1st Feb ( Full house soon)

Dear all

Secret of Tai Sui

If u are affected by Taisui that year, is infact a challenging year for emotions. But is a breakthrough to higher level in life. Tai Sui is like an authority, and if u affected by Him that year, he will stretch ur limit like a soldier and mold u to higher level. And trust me , affected by Tai Sui not a bad thing.

Those can take it , excel, those who remain negative sigh luck no good.
5 D coin is  to carry if affected by Tai Sui because it can slow down the Command Control from Tai Sui.

2014 tai Sui with musical instrument that is why i tell u all go sing for better luck. How many listen? Go sing a song please... Still have few months!!!

Below is pic of 2015 Tai SUI holding SWORD la.

2015 Tai Sui

  Goat   Zhi 值
  Ox  Chong 冲
  Dog  Xing 刑
  Rat  Hai 害

Above will be better to carry 5d coin in bag, also main door 6d hulu is best. But is a break thru year for Goat, if u can handle all stress, u excel beyond ur limit.....
Cundi mantra helps with the handling of bad luck star for all. Use ur COunch shell mala

When Tai Sui Hold a sword upright.... Gosh is a year of Justice. If in 2014 year end u didnt wake up ur idea and continue bully people, u will kana in 2015.

Those affected by Tai Sui, do a temple Tai Sui prayers, will tell u in talk. Carry the 5 D coin. Also more prone to gossips , Gui Ren bag super useful.

Spray the spray at office.
U handle well, u excel high.

2015 Tai Sui  features

 Most people resist  changes in their life. However some of these changes can be “good” and it may mean a “break-through” . Most often than not those people that are in conflict with tai sui are emotional uptight and stress up. So bear with your loved ones and support them if happen that your partner is having a bad time.

But remember why I have introduce the Wencang Pen pagoda because it works well also with the sword Tai Sui

1) This Tai Sui characted is very amazing. For u (12 sign) to be good luck, talk less and do more.
2) Going garden rub wrist with healing trees oil is good. (all sign)
3) Pray Tai Sui at temple good. ( all sign)
4) 5 D coin carry reduce adverse effect (affected sign)
5) Touch any pet one time is good bring luck. Al do donations to SPCA that kind.

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