Please understand that the main idea is not about winning money. What I want from my class participants, is to understand the importance of achieving a BALANCE in 5 ELEMENTS.
Once our 5 elements striked a balance, a lot of opportunities and happy things in life will happen. Combining breathing exercise with power luck enhancement items is important. Even if you have all the power items in the world, but if you do not learn how to make an effort to activate it, good luck may take a longer time to come.
I thank you all for emailing me testimonials. It serve as an important research evidence for me to highlight balancing of 5 element works.

"Dear Lao shi, after having the Mala and Tian Lu, I have strike so many times in a month. My intention of getting the mala and Tian Lu is for harmony and prosperity. I am not a gambler but just like to buy a few dollars of lottery a month. To my surprise..... .... . I do meditation and practice breathing exercise for health but end up strike lottery. Of course i perform charity for the money i got. Things happens when we least expect it. Expectation create resistance. Thanks for sharing in EMF Fengshui class."
(This person is so lucky. Striked 5 times in June)
Testimonial B:
"Many positive improvements in my life by applying the Feng Shui principles from your EMF fengshui class especially the mantra method and 5 element plant u teach to put.
After activating the plant my 2 empty investment houses got rented one after another; I no longer stay in a negative or bad mood. I am now more proactive to receive abundance, happiness.
I would recommend your EMF fengshui class to my friends. Xie Xie lao shi. You have touched so many lives , thanks for scolding me last month. It helps."
Testimonial C
"After placing the rose quartz in March 2009. My daughter and I are getting along better, we feel more peace in our home. Thanks for sharing your pink color breathing exercise in radio 97.2 it works."
Its 闰五月 this month. Get a crystal or Gui Ren bag to keep for good luck too. Remember to spread love and light. Always remember to do charity to the less fortunate :)
Items list:
9 eyes Dzi blessed activated : 5 more
Mala Amethyst with 2 Dzi : 6 pieces
MalaCarnelian with 2 Dzi : 8 pieces.
Black tourmaline bracelet with a Dzi : 9 pieces.
Gui ren bag 2009 (can be used forever) : 72 set just made in most auspicious time.
Rose Quartz Heart
U have taught me that if anyone or colleague have being yelling or shouting at me. I am really frightened at first but i no longer scared of them now.
U also taught me abt Xiao Ren(Small ppl) at my Workplace in Aug 2008 at yr Blog. I have attended yr Part 3 in 23/8/2008. I am really firm, steady n know how to deal with Xiao Ren at my Workplace.
My beautiful hearted shaped bracelet is 8 mths old. My Amethyst Mala is 4 mths old. I have one Bryan Lao Shi's properly activated Tigereye Piyao with 9 procedure.
Bryan Gan Wah Teck, thk u for creating more pattern Workshop with Intermediate Stage in 2009.
I have attend yr 1st Meditation cum Breathing Exercise on 18/6/2009.
My mummy has nagged at me to eat Lycium daily but i will never listern to her at all. Bryan, i am really surprised that i will listern or follow yr intruction bec i am really stubbon n impatient person.
I feel very calm, happy and peaceful nowaday.
I have grown up a lot bec of Bryan Lao Shi to love my parent dearly.
after attending your crystal class and exercise class, i understand why you always emphasis a lot on 5 elements. Now I truely understand why good luck follows when everything is in balance.
Thank you for your teachings.
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