Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Handling Dragon Year Mid year le the negative energy

 2024 is already mid year le

Rem to use rosemary oil (clean windoor floor and tissue few drops put near shoe cabinet.)

Shoe cabinet energy need to be handled second half of the year and 6 drops rosemary oil in tissue throw inside. 

Protection mist, Tranquility mist and the FAN!

Promo for spending above $168 fresh purchase and only whatsapp Grace 93804581 the fan is $2. No back track of orders and ask for fan thank you.

I am confident for the fan And I saved some for blog reader and old students. Please rem contaact Grace 993804581 for this activated fan

I believe most of you can feel the mental and physical fatigue energy emitted from this first Period 9 for year of dragon. Internal conflicts and also alot of minor happenings.

MOST important to understand way to maintain the energy and also methods to raise your energy. Thats why i do a $2 free gift for students who purchase above $168 and few received the fans and share with me good news. Thanks for the trust.

How to raise vibration

So sometimes human do go thru difficult rough patches may be quite challenging. And sometimes a series of events happen from health to family to house to work. can let you feel your energy dipping and your mood sinking. Seems motivational energy gone. Well this is the time to raise your vibrational energy. 

Method: Shift your energy and focus.

When too many things happen. Fastest way to rise your energy is to spare yourself 8 mins to do aromatherapy breathing visualisation of awareness. This is the fastest way to clean ur aura and rise your energy. Tap into your inner light. We attract the energy we think of. So if you are vibrating in a low freuqency u attract more negativie.. But magical things starts to happen if you shift ur energy of focus.

A) Spray some protection mist around u than focus on one thing in your life you are grateful for. If u cant think of, just aware and gratitude to the Sun energy. Trust me when u start to turn on the awareness of gratitude your vibrational energy change.

When you are in a state of gratitude it is impossible fror the lower vibrational energy to appear. As oil and water dont get together. You are telling your mind " hey there are good things in life" 

Gratitude: Example the Sun, Your five organs, give thanks to one of your organ daily.

What bryan lao shi do:

I spray Mist above around me (protection mist and tranquility mist). I use some oil rosemary spanish and light abit incense.

Than I do 8 times slow deep breathing. And put my attention to one thing i am gratitude of. For me SUN or liver etc. 

Than i recite this simple gratitude. choose one or make up ur own 

  • I am grateful for the small things in life that bring me joy.
  • I am thankful for the challenges that make me stronger and wiser.
  • I appreciate the beauty of nature that surrounds me.

Follow by I do a simple yoga stretch and stay there for 3 mins .

I love apply some oil on my wrist and do left and right 3 mins. Side bends.

++++++++++++++++++++ After that turn ur fan or use ur crystals +++++++++++

Act of Kindness:> Transform your energy.
When you help others you move from the state of ME to We. Help people, listening ear to someone who needed it. You will find your heart expand and energy lift. We access energy of compassion , love and kindness that we didnt know we have it. Act of kindness can be a daily small little things :> 

Practice Kindness:
When we give to others we also give to ourselves when we extend kindness we also receive. It is like a vibrational boomerang what we send out comes back to us . SO be kind and say good things and watch our critical mindset.

Omhealth has given you many tools to brightly illumintate your path and also bring happiness to others.

The famous 6D hulu at your main door blocking negative energy. The 5D coin working hard to balance your house energy.


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