Saturday, March 30, 2024

How to achieve Good Energy in this 20 years MY sincere writeout Bankaccount PARTONE

I am so so paisei when u all call me teacher. And i am also still learning and glad to have a chance to share and help more people. April what to do? See video below.

I can say being in this health body mind emotion luck business for 28 years. I have met many Masters and people and students. And even the most powerful master from Bangkok, Tibet and Singapore. Most of them has passed on.  All i want to share is , how to tame ur heart and enjoy a peaceful life in this stress environment etc and not to lost yourself in this fire period 9.

Emotion for this Period 9 (affect health and money luck)

U see, the media has alot of teachings and media on how to have good luck and how to have a better life and emotions but why do we still feel easily affected by people around us and situations. Alot of times can be very disturbing the anger. Even we know is no good to be worry (period 9 next twenty years the fire worry energy can be disturbing and affect our luck if we dont cultivate)

Worries Type: Health, relationship, friendship, children , misunderstanding, jealousy, ego. "Bu Gan Yan" , unfairness.

Alot of people are in tension. But how to handle?

First I need to explain everyone has a bankaccount (read my famous bankaccount articles, see left side under the label bankaccount). Alot of times when we have good luck and things happen our ways is because we have good positive bankaccount (福德)。

All everyone are same whether u are good looking of rich or poor. The only different is how much we have in bankaccount (福德,福报)。  You see some people very good luck all the way but when aged suddenly alot bad luck happens. But sometimes cannot blame everything to bank account, example when an elderly die of illnesses , is the nature law is nothing to do much with merits. All people need to face the route. SO u need to be more wisdom when undertsanding this.

Since now you know the only way to have more good life and energy in this life or may be next life. Is constantly upgrade our bankaccount. U dont use up.

What causes bank account to burn off?

1) Anger, u remember when u get angry , sometimes the anger can eat you up. Like ur husband dont know what you want and do things abit not ur liking, u angry whole 2 days. Well u re burning ur bankaccount.  So now u know. Next time u angry alot, just say to urself " aiya i angry again, let me confess, i will improve myself and sorry to my body and heart and feeding u with toxic. I will be a better person"

Say out aloud, u need to improve urself and not burn our fu de. We need to 修心 。 Cultivate our heart but being aware and watching it. I know we are still human, U can get perchek or anger sometimes but at least aware and dont happen too often. Slowly you will be less angry and less 怨气

how to have more merits? you need to 修心。

多看别人的优点。 相信你会更好, 过后你会慢慢变得有自信,一旦有了自信 你的智慧就会提升。

We are not young anymore we cant keep living our life with worries and anger. Time to do sometimes for ourself and our bankaccount. Accumulate merits.

Last time my master 20 over years ago give me a 法号。sonam thubten。 And the wisdom of my master so powerful. Unknowingly i have been sharing to teaching people to accumulate more merits in life. My Fa Hao meaning is SONAM (accumulate merits)

Alot of people like to go PUJA prayers , big scale temple prayers, IS good. But many times we go for sake of going and than the moment puja finnish a phone call comes in , u scold people or lost temper when reach home. Whats the point?

So cultivate ur heart.

How to cultivate heart and improve luck?

I love to bundle with essential oil and crystals, acupressure and music as a tools to help me. As they balance my aura fields

So when i get very angry or worries, I will sing the music healing Sa Ta Na Ma which many yoga schools teach and do some simple yoga. ANd than inhale some aromatherapy and for that 15 mins i listen to music also to relax. Than i repent why u lost temper etc.

WOW u feel good after that.


Power ONE method period 9
 1) Spray tranquility spray 安定 cultivate 不生气

Slowly ur thinking improve and ur auric filed strengthen wa , no negative energy will affect you.

FAQ: What if the person really unreasonable and anger u and situations.


U aalready known is unreasonable, so if u are affected (surely will la). Just say in ur heart, life is an experience. My experience now with this difficult person, to improve my level. Is ok, dont get angry and burn my aura bank account. Go back use essential oil like auric roller and shower and wear my crystal and send this person alot of good energy ( I will visualise pink bubble surround him )

Wa no anger and no happiness, u feel 自在。  I always visualise above pinnk bubble send to difficult people and wear my black tourmaline. Wa power. This black tourmaline is version 3 design for heaven earth energy. Again , u may say bryan lao shi selling things. Yes I am selling, for i design this with good intention. But even without black tourmaline is ok. Work with Pink Bubble.


April what to DO?

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