Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Pendulum Dowsing and House FS and Health Checking

Dowsing is the ancient art of finding water, minerals and other objects that seem to have a natural magnetic, electromagnetic. Energies that the body seems to detect with its built-in, laboratory demonstrable sensors that are no more mysterious than seeing, hearing or feeling, and seem to be natural to all of us. As it is with music, many persons can develop a degree of dowsing skill with training, and practice. Dowsing using colors helps you find out which part of your body is out of balance.

Bryan 老师 Numerlogy and Pendulum Dowsing for health and Luck

First time in Singapore that combine Simple Numerlogy and Dowsing.

Course Fees:
$78 ; (Market rate $250)
Material : Included a Pendulum worth $40
Venue : National Library
Date: 31st July 2010
Time: 10am to 1pm

Pendulum Dowsing Techniques
  1. Checking of "Qi" and health issues using pendulum
  2. Practical lessons to check
  3. Numerlogy
  4. Calculate your numbers, your life path , and more.....
How famous Professors use pendulum to dignose certain hidden health problems?
Einstein's famous equation, E = MC2, equates energy and matter. All living things are a mixture of energy and matter. Gravity holds matter together; there is a similar force that binds energies together, and pervades the whole universe


  1. Hi Bryan Laoshi,
    The year is incorrect. 31st July 2009 or 2010. Please amend.

  2. Dear All,

    Happy New Year! Indeed there is a typo error as it should be 31st July 2010 as confirmed by Bryan Laoshi. So kindly take note and God bless!



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