Sunday, October 25, 2009

18 Nov Special Event --- Art Therapy with Symbols

ART THERAPY with Symbols

Course Title: Art Therapy with Symbols

Healing Date : 18 Nov 2009
Time: 7pm to 9pm

Materials: Color Pencils and paper included

Fees: $35
Venue: To be advised (CSC or Safra)

Registration: Email to with name and mobile. Subject title as "Art Therapy".

Bryan's Once a year Cleansing of crystal and activation of crystals using Mass Symbols Visualisation Technqiues, and Healing Tecniques impart.

If you want your own jewelleries or crystals bought from other places to be energised and activated, you can bring them to this class. I will perform Zhu Sa activations for your crystals :)

Each person may bring a maximum of 3 pieces of crystals or any jewelleries bought from outside. For Bryan's crystals, no need to activate again as they have already been activated :) Activation brings in more vibrations to all crystals and allow wearer to feel great :D

Course topics:

1) Healing symbols will be imparted. Symbols draw to remove negative energy and release stagnant energy. A lifelong skill :)

2) Mandala Drawings and coloring to check which aspects of your life is blocked.

3) Release of blockages, sending healing energy.

4) Cutting Chord method for people that have affected your life.

5) Saying of loving Kindness Energy and send to whole world. (non-religious)

6) And more..... Spontaneous interesting healing methods to be taught.

An example of Art Therapy:

A Healing Lotus using Chinese Brush. Bring Love energy to all.
painted by Bryan Gan 2008

This picture shows a master using crystals to create patterns design for generating non religious healing energy to surroundings.
In Bryan's ART Therapy class, you will be taught healing symbols and create your own symbols to restore well-being.

Here's a kid learning symbol energy and send healing love to mother. A skill that is taught in many coutries.

Using simple crystal double terminator for peace and deep sleep.


  1. Hi Bryan,

    Yeah, i am looking forward to
    attend this Workshop. I will know how to use my Double Terminator for peace and deep sleep.

    My friend has told me that DT is so beautiful. I can use it for Meditation. I will read out the Loving Treatment after each Meditation Session daily.

    I feel very peaceful, calm and happy nowaday. I am still waiting for my order Enchanted-CD.

    Thank you, Lao Shi.


  2. Hooray! You got new course again. Your BHL workshop was excellent!
    Thank you for all the hardwork and sharing.
    Thanks to all your good volunteers.
    They are really nice & wonderful people.

  3. I enjoyed your BHL workshop too. Thumbs up!



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