Friday, September 11, 2009

Sugilite power

Beautiful Sugilte bracelet designed with red agate. Do you still remember the sugilite Buddha pendant shown last month? Here's a simple and nice bracelet designed by me to bring healing on all areas.

It has different purple tone depends on your situation.

A great stone to relieve bodyache and tiredness. It is also a good piece to collect for your crystal healing.

7 pieces made by Bryan. Each and every piece activated. $188.


Sugilite is a fairly recent discovery, named after the Japanese scientist, Dr. K. Sugi who discovered it in 1944. The most significant find was in 1975 in the Kalahari Desert, in Nnorthern Africa. It enhances belief in ourselves, and negates feelings of lack, anger, pain, and other unwanted energies.

Sugilite is a balancer of the mind, body and spirit. It encourages peace of mind and a general feeling of spiritual love, and well being. It is also told to protect against as well as dissipate anger and other negative energies whether from oneself or others. Sugilite is said to strengthen the heart, aid in physical healing and reducing stress.

Crystal Cluster : Those who are interested can email to me

1 comment:

  1. Hi bryan, it was nice to attend your workshop once again. The sugilite bracelet is very nice. Thank u for choosing a nice piece for me just now during the Kwa Sa class. I hope to receive it soon.



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