Monday, July 27, 2009

My skills since 1997

From card reading, Iching, 测字 to color reading, it took me a long time to learn from Masters and I think these skills have enabled me to help many others.

I have been doing reading for people since 1997 but stopped in 2005 to concentrate on my work. If time permits, I will still do some reading for my clients.

I seldom use card to do reading in the recent years. By hearing your voice and looking at you, I can roughly know what are your blockages. Please understand that this is not magic. It is an experience accumulated through the years of practice that sharpen my skills. Of course, I am still learning and I still have a lot to learn too :)

I have 3 art cards below. It will reveal about your blockages in life. Its very accurate. Give it a try. Now, look at the 3 pictures. Choose 1 card. You don't have to think too hard. Just follow your heart :)

Answer will be revealed this week. Besides revealing blockages, I will also tell you which aroma oil to use for footbath and crystals to help you transform :)

NB: Thank you for all your support towards 5 elements oil and Bryan Relaxation Blend. These two types of healing oil is actually filled with crystal and light energy.

1 comment:

  1. Bryan,
    the reading u done for me was very true. Thanks for advising me what to do. Your wise advice is very enlightening.



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